The Point wise Multiplier Between the Space R ( q, s) to the Space Bloch 关于R(q,s)空间和Bloch型空间的点乘子
The coefficient multiplier between p-bloch space bp ( b) and Dirichlet type space dq ( b) of CN C~n中p-Bloch空间β~P(B)和Dirichlet型空间Dq(B)之间的系数乘子
Let μ be a normal function. In this paper, the author characterizes the pointwise multiplier from the space R ( q, s) to the generalized Bloch type space β μ on the unit ball B of C n. 设μ是一个正规函数,本文刻划了Cn中单位球B上R(q,s)空间和广义Bloch型空间βμ之间的点乘子。